Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL)

The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL) provides a viable methodology and platform for access and findability of rural and tribal transit coordination resources across a broad range of transportation technical assistance centers and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

The FTA-funded Technical Assistance (TA) Centers participating in this ongoing work are:

  • National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)
  • National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT)
  • National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)
  • National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP)
  • Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC)
  • Transit Workforce Center (TWC)

The TACL Task Force uses a systematic review process for resources included in the database. New resources will be added on a quarterly basis. Let us know if you would like to serve as a peer reviewer for our resources.

Why was TACL created?

The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) published Public Transportation: Enhanced Federal Information Sharing on Coordination Could Improve Rural Transit Services in January 2020. GAO recommended that FTA “develop a communication plan that will effectively share information with state and local stakeholders on coordination opportunities in an accessible and informative way.” This effort was created to improve interagency resource coordination between FTA and its five TA Centers.

How can TACL be used?

TACL resources can be used to identify high quality technical assistance on transportation coordination. The resources can be used for research, training, practice, operations, planning, and other purposes. We encourage authors to cite TACL resources.

Ready to get started?

Visit Click on the Training tab at the top for instructions.

If you have a question about TACL, or if you would like to be considered to become a TACL peer reviewer, please contact

FTA’s Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program (49 U.S.C. § 5314) and the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. § 5312) fund technical assistance centers through national nonprofit organizations across a number of areas to improve public transportation. These nonprofit partners and the work they do play a critical role in supporting public transit agencies. Their services help to:

  • Improve transportation for older adults and people with disabilities
  • Drive the adoption of mobility management and related promising practices
  • Accelerate innovative mobility practices and strategies
  • Support rural communities
  • Leverage new transit technologies
  • Train the public transit workforce
  • Provide workforce development technical assistance
  • Support research projects selected by the transit industry that address day to day issues
  • Support the transit industry meet safety regulations

National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT)

The National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) delivers expert, focused technical assistance to transit agencies and organizations in rural areas and small cities to use or develop transit technologies and innovations that make services more cost-effective and efficient. N-CATT’s work supports FTA’s mission and focus on innovation by developing and supporting transit programs and services in rural and small-city America.

National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) is a national technical assistance center funded by FTA with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living to promote the availability of transportation options that serve the needs of people with disabilities, seniors and caregivers with a focus on the Section 5310 program and other transit investments. NADTC supports the delivery of more effective, efficient, high-quality and coordinated specialized transportation services that maximize federal investments. NADTC provides technical assistance, information and referral; develops field training; implements interactive communication and outreach strategies; and supports communities in assessing their needs and developing innovative transportation solutions.

National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP)

The National Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) was established by FTA in 1987 to provide a wide range of professional services and products. National RTAP addresses the training and technical assistance needs of rural and tribal transit programs across the nation and supports state RTAP programs. National RTAP provides comprehensive free technical assistance programs and resources including training materials, webinars, newsletters and technical briefs, peer resources, research, and innovative technology initiatives. The National RTAP also manages the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL), which provides a sustainable methodology and platform to access resources across a diverse range of transportation technical assistance centers and FTA.

Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC)

The Shared-Use Mobility Center is a public-interest organization dedicated to achieving equitable, affordable, and environmentally sound mobility across the US through the efficient sharing of transportation assets. By connecting the public and private sectors, piloting programs, conducting new research, and providing policy and technical expertise to cities and regions, SUMC seeks to extend the benefits of shared mobility for all. The Shared Mobility 2030 Action agenda includes improving access to public transit, on-demand shuttles or buses, ride-on-demand services, carpooling and vanpooling, and carsharing, bikesharing and scooter-sharing.

National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)

The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) supports FTA’s Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility activities and is funded through a cooperative agreement with FTA. The Center works to help communities adopt transportation strategies and mobility options that empower people to live independently, and advance health, economic vitality and self-sufficiency. NCMM provides capacity-building technical assistance and training; catalogs and disseminates best practice information on innovative mobility management programs around the country; and works to improve and enhance the coordination of federal resources for human service transportation, especially for people with disabilities, older adults and people with lower incomes.

Image of a cartoon hand cupped underneath a lightbulb; reads TWC resource

The Role of Mentorship in Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Registered Apprenticeship Academy
January 2025

This E-learning module introduces how mentorship is essential to registered apprenticeship programs. Best practices for selecting, training, and supporting mentors are included to support registered apprenticeship program sponsors and participating employers. The objectives for this course are: 

  • Identify the responsibilities of sponsors to provide mentorship.
  • Describe the role of mentors.
  • Recognize why mentorship is important to a successful registered apprenticeship program.
  • Employ strategies for mentorship to create a culture of support and guidance for workers throughout their registered apprenticeship.

Elearning: Dispatching and Scheduling Training for Rural Transit Systems

National RTAP
December 2024


This online training is designed for staff who perform the role of dispatcher and/or scheduler in a rural, small urban, or tribal transit agency. New dispatchers and schedulers can use this training to learn the major components of their roles. Seasoned dispatchers and schedulers can also use the training for refreshing their skills.

The entire eLearning course takes approximately 4 hours and covers the topics listed below:

  • Working in a Transit Environment
  • Transit Service Types
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Essential Communication Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Role of the Dispatcher
  • Role of the Scheduler
  • Use of Technology
  • Working as a Transit Team
  • Responding to Transit Incidents


Directory of Grant Writers

National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)
October 2024

The purpose of this Directory is to connect transit managers looking to contract with grant writing consultants available for hire. Agencies can contact grant writers using their information provided by clicking the link below.

Map – Apprenticeship and Mentorship Programs

Visualizing the Growing Trend of Registered Apprenticeship in U.S. Transit Agencies

Over the past 10 years, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and other federal agencies have invested heavily in promoting and supporting registered apprenticeship, resulting in a significant expansion of registered apprentice programs across the country. Likewise, the use of registered apprenticeship for frontline public transit occupations has increased significantly, with many transit agencies and their corresponding unions jointly adopting labor-management standards that create a framework for apprenticeship. Only five transit agencies had a registered apprenticeship program in 2013, compared with 30 transit agencies in 2023.

This map displays transit locations with registered apprenticeship or mentorship programs. Users can reveal information about the active apprenticeship/mentorship programs at each agency, the agency’s workforce-related statistics (such as wage, employee count, labor hours, and ridership), and links to Standards of Apprenticeship, which include details about qualifications, wages, hours, and training schedules.

Transit Workforce Center
September 2024

In September 2024, ETA released an updated Sector Strategies Framework to guide national, state, and local practitioners in their efforts to launch and implement effective sector strategies. The Framework is intended to advance knowledge and support the development, scaling, and durability of sector strategies. It provides workforce system practitioners with a clear picture of the concepts and elements essential to the successful implementation of sector partnerships and sector strategies. The Sector Strategies Framework was developed by ETA to harness lessons learned from the field, provide support to overcome common barriers, and help practitioners build knowledge in new areas.

Along with the Framework, the ETA released additional resources including:


Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Technical Assistance Center (TAC)

Federal Transit Administration
August 2024

The Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans (PTASP) Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides comprehensive technical assistance to help the transit industry meet PTASP regulation requirements, as outlined in 49 CFR part 673.

The TAC:

  • Provides one-on-one technical assistance
  • Facilitates training and peer-sharing via live webinars and roundtables
  • Conducts voluntary technical reviews of draft Agency Safety Plans
  • Maintains a resource library with technical assistance tools.


5 Tip Sheets for Working with Older Adults

UMaine Center on Aging & AmeriCorps Seniors
July 2024

Given current workforce shortages, reaching out and engaging older workers is of interest to many employers. The AmeriCorps Seniors research team developed five older adult workforce program tip sheets on topics relevant to interacting with older adults in the workforce. You can view the tip sheets on the project website, which are linked here:


Fatigue Resources for Transit Operations

To support the transit industry, FTA has compiled resources that can be used to better understand fatigue and fatigue-related issues in the workplace. The site includes resources about understanding sleep, causes of fatigue, symptoms and warning signs, effects, relevance to transit workers and agencies, and fatigue risk management systems.

Federal Transit Administration

Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Workforce Development Resources

The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office) supports the deployment of zero-emission, convenient, and accessible transportation infrastructure. In addition to providing direct funding support for workforce development, the Joint Office has collated example resources to support workforce development activities for an electrified transportation system.

Joint Office of Energy and Transportation

De-Escalation Training Resource Directory

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has gathered these resources to support the transit industry in developing, implementing, and updating their training programs. The resources illustrate ways agencies throughout the transit industry are implementing de-escalation training.

Federal Transit Administration
February 2024

Mentoring: A Tool for Employee Engagement & Retention

APTA’s podcast, The Transit Authority, presents a two-part series on mentoring. The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) will discuss their partnerships with ATU to build and manage successful mentoring programs and how mentoring is a critical tool for knowledge transfer and positive work culture.

American Public Transportation Association
January 2024

Tribal Nations Funding Opportunities

This page provides an updated and filterable list of funding opportunities for electric vehicle development in tribal nations.

Joint Office of Energy and Transportation

Mental Health Resources for Transit Workers

The Federal Transit Administration has aggregated the mental health resources to support transit industry workers during challenging times. Topics include suicide prevention, active shooter preparedness, mental health first aid, and more.

U.S. Department of Tranportation, Federal Transit Administration
December 2023

Apprentice Trailblazer Initiative

The Apprentice Trailblazer Initiative is designed to create a national network of apprentices and apprenticeship graduates to feature their stories and hear their perspectives, show how Registered Apprenticeships increase opportunities, and bring awareness to other career seekers who may be interested in becoming apprentices. 

Department of Labor; ApprenticeshipUSA

Resources for New Immigrants and Refugees

This WorkforceGPS page provides a variety of employment resources for new immigrants and refugees, including factsheets in different languages, information about funding and training programs, and other special services.

August 2023

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

This landing page provides information about WIOA as well as resources to help employers take advantage of WIOA funding to support apprenticeship.

Department of Labor

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.


Registered Apprenticeship Academy

This page, created by the ETA’s Office of Apprenticeship, offers a wide range of courses, webinars, and other resources for program sponsors, apprentices, state apprenticeship agency partners, and other stakeholders to provide training, enhance skills, and stay up to date on best practices for registered apprenticeships.

Employment and Training Administration



Interactive Apprenticeship Data

This dashboard provides key statistics on apprentices by fiscal year (FY) (October through September), including state and national program data entered or uploaded into the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS).

Apprenticeship USA
June 2023



Expanding Apprenticeship for Individuals with Disabilities

This landing page features a variety of resources aimed at providing information, ideas, tools, and practices for supporting individuals with disabilities in apprenticeship programs. The resources include specific programs, toolkits and guides, outreach and background materials, and research.

June 2023

TWC’s Transit Workforce Data Dashboard

Launched in March, 2023, the Transit Workforce Data Dashboard presents quantitative, descriptive data about the composition of the transit workforce and trends in transit employment using a series of charts and graphics. This information is relevant for industry discussions in a range of contexts, including: strategic workforce planning in recruitment, retention, and other areas; examining and addressing opportunities and challenges related to workforce demographics; and identifying training and funding needs.

Transit Workforce Center
March 2023

Apprenticeship Training Courses

This series of free online training courses will help transit providers and others plan for, create, and sustain registered apprenticeship programs. Several courses have already been released and others are forthcoming.

Jobs for the Future
March 2023

Grant Application Checklist for a Strong Transportation Workforce and Labor Plan

This checklist provides information on the components of an ideal labor plan when applying to DOT discretionary grants in order to best meet the criteria for a strong workforce. The checklist prompts grant applicants to consider their labor-management partnerships, workforce training and education, and hiring and retaining workers.

US Department of Transportation
February 2023

Community Transportation Map and Database

The National Center for Mobility Management developed a national transit database depicting the approximate location of transit agencies and organizations across the United States. The database combines existing datasets with new research to create an exhaustive list of organizations that provide transportation services to communities across the country. It contains public transit providers, community action agencies, senior centers, and others that provide transportation.

National Center for Mobility Management
January 2023

Labor-Management Partnerships

This page from the US Department of Labor explains the benefits of labor-management partnerships, successful examples of partnerships, how successful labor-management partnerships help workers and employers, and provides additional resources for support.

Department of Labor
January 2023

Expanding Apprenticeship: Return on Investment (ROI)

This is the landing page for Apprenticeship ROI resources on the WorkforceGPS website (sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the US Department of Labor). It is updated periodically and includes recent publications released as part of the evaluation of the American Apprenticeship Initiative. These resources attest to the value of apprenticeship programs for organizations and for workers.

November 2022
Second Chance program: TWC Case Study

Second Chance Transit Programs

Several transit agencies across the country have established Second Chance programs to support formerly-incarcerated individuals as they reenter the workforce; these programs set pathways into frontline transit positions, often focusing on driver recruitment. These initiatives involve active collaboration between transit agencies and departments of corrections.  Agencies have also worked with other partners, including their local unions, state and local workforce development agencies, ex-offender support programs, and local community organizations.  

August 2022

Basic descriptions of some current state and local programs can be found at the links below.

IndyGO Employment Page Case Study

IndyGo’s Employment Opportunities Page

The IndyGo transit agency, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, offers high-quality career information on its website. This resource summarizes effective elements of the career page.

August 2022

IndyGo’s career page helps site visitors to understand what it’s like to work at the agency and how to apply.  The page also highlights key job benefits and emphasizes the opportunity to serve the community. Overall, the employment section of IndyGo’s website demonstrates a number of key communication elements that support effective outreach to potential applicants.  These elements include:

  • An easily accessible and identifiable section on the website.  “Employment” has its own clickable category, not a subcategory that may be harder to locate.
  • Clear statements about IndyGo’s mission, emphasizing community service, connection, and working together to make a difference in people’s lives.  These messages attract a range of potential target audiences, and they make clear the difference between a public service career, as opposed to other careers applicants may be considering.
  • A detailed list of benefits, with additional specific benefits for drivers noted.  Among those benefits, the list includes unique aspects of the driver position that distinguishes it from other potentially competing careers (e.g., long-haul trucking), noting benefits such as “all local work.”
  • Highlighted aspects of the driver position that emphasize the connection with and support provided to riders.
  • A thoughtful list of questions for potential applicants to consider about themselves and the type of work they might want before they decide to move ahead with the application.
  • Detailed information on how and where to apply, basics of how to prepare for and what to bring to an interview, and important specifics about the steps of the hiring process and initial orientation and training programs.
  • IndyGo’s Why I Drive segment on their website includes a video featured in the National Frontline Workforce Recruitment Campaign Toolkit video library elsewhere on this website.  That link on IndyGo’s website also features brief worker profiles, another summary of benefits, and a note on IndyGo’s Second Chance Initiative.
  • IndyGo’s website includes a prominent option to translate the site into Spanish.

National Transit Frontline Worker Recruitment Campaign

Across the United States, whether large, small, urban, rural, or tribal, transit agencies are facing the challenge of recruiting and retaining drivers, mechanics, and technicians who can operate and maintain the buses of our public transit systems.  To help support local transit efforts, TWC is developing the #ConnectingMyCommunity national frontline worker recruitment campaign, coordinated with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and industry, labor, and community partners from around the country.

Transit Workforce Center
July 2022

Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) Resources

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) established Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) regulations that set baseline training requirements for entry-level drivers. This rule impacts any individual wishing to obtain for the first time (or to upgrade to) a Class A or Class B Commercial Driver’s License. These resources from the Minnesota Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) provide information about the regulations, training materials, training providers, checklists, etc. to assist transit agencies in complying with regulations.

Minnesota Rural Transit Assistance Program
February 2022

California Transit Training Consortium (CTTC)

The California Transit Training Consortium, founded as the Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium, is comprised of community colleges, universities, transit agencies, and public and private partners collaborating to design, develop, and deliver technical training for the improvement of the transit workforce in California.

California Transit Training Consortium



West Coast Center of Excellence in Zero Emission Technology

SunLine Transit Agency’s West Coast Center of Excellence in Zero Emission Technology (WCCOE) is a workforce development program focused on deploying and operating zero emission buses in public fleets. Funded by the FTA, this center provide training, best practice information and access to technology and software geared towards the planning, procurement and deployment of zero emission buses.

SunLine Transit Agency

Course offerings include:
• Leadership and Employee Relations
• Zero Emission Bus Overview
• Zero Emission Bus Operations
• Zero Emission Bus Maintenance
• Financial Management
• Zero Emission Bus Procurement
• Zero Emission Bus Policies and Regulations
• Planning for ZEB Operation


Signal and Track Switch Repairers

This search page on provides results for approved occupation titles under Signal and Track Switch Repairers, as well as work activities, education, and related occupations.

US Department of Labor

US Centers for Independent Living (CIL) Map

National Council on Independent Living

NCIL maintains a map of US CILs on their website. CILs can be a great partner in connecting people with disabilities to transit jobs. CILs are advocacy organizations run by and for people with disabilities in local communities. CILs provide peer support, independent living skills training, information and referral, individual and systems advocacy, and transition from institutions and secondary education. Use the link below to find the nearest your nearest CIL.