Resource Center
The Transit Workforce Center is pleased to host a curated collection of publications and other materials to assist stakeholders engaged in transit workforce development. The Resource Center includes case studies, training materials, research reports, and other materials of interest, including publications produced by federal government agencies, transit organizations, and independent research entities. Resources may be filtered by topic, resource type, and transit mode. This TWC blog post explains how to use the Resource Center.
We are continuing to update the Resource Center regularly. Please contact us via the Request Help menu option if you would like assistance using the Resource Center or are looking for resources on a particular topic. We also welcome suggestions of topics or specific resources to add.
Invisible Disabilities in the Workplace
These two resources provide insight for employers into what “invisible” or “hidden” disabilities are, how to provide opportunities for employees to voluntarily disclose their disabilities, and how to support individuals with such disabilities to be successful in the workplace.
BetterUp; SHRM
February 2022
LEARN MOREFTA Standards Development Program: Rail Transit Roadway Worker Protection
This report reviews existing standards and best practices and develops use cases, a risk assessment matrix, and high-level concepts of operations (CONOPS) for Rail Transit Roadway Worker Protection (RWP). The project evaluates current industry practices and technologies in use for roadway worker protection and conducts a risk/hazard analysis of current practices using an industry-representative survey.
Federal Transit Administration
February 2022
TOPICS: Policy and Planning, Safety and Health
Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) Resources
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) established Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) regulations that set baseline training requirements for entry-level drivers. This rule impacts any individual wishing to obtain for the first time (or to upgrade to) a Class A or Class B Commercial Driver’s License. These resources from the Minnesota Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) provide information about the regulations, training materials, training providers, checklists, etc. to assist transit agencies in complying with regulations.
Minnesota Rural Transit Assistance Program
February 2022
TOPICS: Career Pathways, Hiring and Recruitment, Training
Improving Diversity and Inclusion Programs in Public Transportation
This webinar provides an overview of current diversity and inclusion efforts utilized by large, medium, and small public transportation agencies in the United States. Presenters highlight how agencies embed equity in operations and discuss policies that impact employees, local businesses, and community members. They also discuss a diversity and inclusion toolkit, which can be adapted to fit the contexts of any transit agency. At the end of this webinar, you will able to:
-Identify how to develop benchmarks to measure diversity, equity, and inclusion
-Determine methods for transit agencies to improve equity
The webinar features research from TCRP Research Report 228: Resource Guide for Improving Diversity and Inclusion Programs for the Public Transportation Industry.
Transportation Research Board
February 2022
LEARN MOREProviding Training for Zero Emission Buses: Recommended Expanded RFP Language
This document includes recommended language for agencies to build robust training procurement into their ZEB Request for Proposals. It is intended to be used as a starting point for agencies to tailor their training procurement to suit their specific needs.
International Transportation Learning Center; Jobs to Move America
February 2022
TOPICS: Procurement, Training, Zero Emission Buses
FTA Annual Report on Technical Assistance and Workforce Development for FY 2021
This statutorily required annual report provides information on FTA’s Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program (49 U.S.C. § 5314), including technical assistance, workforce development, standards, human resources, and training projects active in Fiscal Year 2021. The report also describes FTA’s process for making upcoming allocations for FY 2022.
Federal Transit Administration
January 2022
TOPICS: Policy and Planning
California Transit Training Consortium (CTTC)
The California Transit Training Consortium, founded as the Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium, is comprised of community colleges, universities, transit agencies, and public and private partners collaborating to design, develop, and deliver technical training for the improvement of the transit workforce in California.
California Transit Training Consortium
TOPICS: Training
Zero Emission Transit Bus Technology Analysis Volume 2
This report, Volume 2, is the second edition of the Zero Emission Transit Bus Technology Analysis (ZETBTA) which includes results from the fuel-cell electric bus (FCEB), battery electric bus (BEB), diesel hybrid bus, and conventional diesel bus technologies control fleet. It integrates lessons learned and best practices gleaned from AC Transit’s extensive experience in deploying ZEB technologies, including developing innovative workforce training programs, data integration and management, and transit deployment viability.
AC Transit
December 2021
TOPICS: Procurement, Training, Zero Emission Buses