TWC Research
Search with Success: Four Unique Ways to Use TWC’s Resource Center
As part of its technical assistance and research work, the Transit Workforce Center manages a flourishing Resource Center, a collection of nearly 250 publications and materials curated for stakeholders engaged in transit workforce development. It contains a variety of resources, including webinars, training materials, reports, on a number of topics relevant to the public transportation workforce.

Using the search functions, resources are browsable by topic, resource type, and transit mode. Topics range from the workforce shortage to the zero-emission-bus workforce transition to mentorship. The resource type filter can help narrow a search further if a specific material is needed, such as a case study or toolkit. Resources can also be filtered by mode, such as fixed-route buses or paratransit. Finally, if none of the topics, types, or modes help capture a search perfectly, users can enter any term in the search bar to find keywords in resources.
One example of how to use the Resource Center is to look for best practices, frameworks, or standards pertaining to zero-emission buses (ZEBs). The Resource Center has more than 30 resources that directly relate to or provide information on ZEBs. Using the two dropdown menus for topic and resource type, users can filter by “Zero Emission Buses” and “Standards”, which would return materials sorted by date.

In these results, there are materials such as a report from the International Transportation Learning Center and Jobs to Move America, entitled “Providing Training for Zero Emission Buses: Recommended Expanded RFP Language”, which details recommended language for agencies to build robust training provisions into their ZEB procurements.

Another way to use the Resource Center is to find funding opportunities for workforce development. The Resource Center can be filtered both by “Funding Opportunities” as a topic or “Funding Opportunities” as a resource type to search for grants and other funds for transit workforce development. This function can be particularly helpful because many funding sources, particularly ones whose main purpose is not workforce development but have a workforce component, may be hard to find through internet searches or in large grant databases. TWC continuously monitors funding opportunities and uploads them to the Resource Center, which includes grants with deadlines and rolling applications, as well as informational resources on funding for workforce development.

The Resource Center can also be filtered by mode. In the face of a widespread transit workforce shortage, users might be interested in recruitment materials specifically for bus operators and technicians. Filter the topics and resource modes by “Hiring and Recruitment” and “Bus – Fixed Route” to find related resources. This search returns varied types of resources, such as the report on “Workforce Development and Driver Shortages in Small Urban and Rural Transit“ from the Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility (SURCOM), or a TWC mini case study on “Second Chance Transit Programs”.

Users can also search materials from conferences, like TWC’s 2022 Making Connections Conference, using the “Making Connections Conference” option in the topics dropdown. The Resource Center contains presentations from sessions with interesting panelists and discussions, as well as a recap video of the event. Some helpful sessions include “Driving Bus Operator Recruitment and Retention: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation” and “Hands-On Instructional Training for Transit Trainers”.

The Resource Center is constantly updated so users can continue to check back at any time for assistance or resources for your transit workforce development needs. TWC is also currently reforming the entire Resource Center to improve its consistency and usability. For suggestions of additional transit workforce development resources or assistance navigating the Resource Center, submit a technical assistance request on the TWC website or email
Contributing Authors: Michaela Boneva, Douglas Nevins, Shayna Gleason