Improving the Safety, Health, and Productivity of Transit Operators Through Adequate Restroom Access
Improving the Safety, Health, and Productivity of Transit Operators Through Adequate Restroom Access
Transit Cooperative Research Program
October 2022
This report presents a catalog of good practices, tools, and resources that provide a foundation for implementable strategies to improve restroom access, primarily for transit vehicle operators. The report compiles research from 100 transit agencies on current and best practices; the impact of restroom access on health, safety, and operations, and lessons learned.
A toolbox accompanying the report includes helpful resources such as restroom inventory, planning, and cost estimation tools, as well as templates for restroom access policies and contract language.
Contributor(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Transportation Research Board; Transit Cooperative Research Program; Robin Mary Gillespie, City University of New York; RLS & Associates Robbie Sarles
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Policy and Planning, Safety and Health